Cult Hero
Canada, 2022: 94 minutes: Alberta Premiere
Manager-summoning control freak Kallie Jones teams up with washed-up cult buster Dale Domazar to rescue her husband from the clutches of a cannibalistic death cult masquerading as a new age wellness centre.
Dynamic actress Liv Collins unleashes a high-powered performance as Kallie Jones, who teams up with Canadian horror veteran Ry Barrett to make up the combative and unlikely duo who take on batshit actor/screenwriter Tony Burgess’ cannibalistic death cult. The Canadian horror comedy had its world premiere at the 2022 Fantasia International Film Festival, and lands perfectly with midnight audiences.
Fantasia International Film Festival 2022
Blood in the Snow Canadian Film Festival 2022
Sydney Underground Film Festival 2022
Grimmfest 2022
Jesse Thomas Cook is a Canadian producer and director. He spent his teen years moping around to grunge music and watching Kevin Smith movies, before not getting accepted into film school. He managed to eke out a degree from York University, after amassing $50,000 in debt for a vague understanding of World History. From there, he sold his soul to produce, act-in, write and co-direct an ill-advised debut movie called SCARCE (2007). He then made a slurry of flicks with Foresight Features, some of which won an award or two, but mostly coldly received. He launched Collingwood Film Co. in 2018, after promising never to make a horror film again, but guess what, folks? He’s baaaa-aaaack with CULT HERO.
press for Cult Hero
"Pleasantly ridiculous."- Austin Chronicle
"A rock em sock em good time filled with gut-busting gags. It's got creepy cult assassins, .357 magnums, and silly send-ups of every action movie trope in the Hollywood handbook."- Nightmare on Film Street
special guest
Director Jesse Thomas Cook & Actress Liv Collins in attendance for Q&A
Jesse Thomas Cook
Executive Producers
Jesse Cook
Liv Collins
Craig Shouldice
Kevin Revie
Kenny MacLaughlin
Ry Barrett
Tony Burgess
Liv Collins
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